Friday, May 14, 2010

Halocaust speaker/ Maus I

On may 13th a Halocaust survivor came to my class, she talked about her experiences, hopes, faith,depression. She explained to us about how she felt during the Holocaust horror she went through at the age of 13. I do relate her story with the book we have beeing reading in my english class about the Maus I , it talks about a man's experience during the Halocaust what he went through and how he survive, It can relate to the way jewish lived in the concentration camps or Ghetto's, even though there was no reason of murdering them , the Nazi's just chose any race to blame so they picked the jewish people and shot them for no reason , rape the women , seperated families , murder children , gave seniors hard labors , and never feed them till they starve or there organism couldnt help it anymore and starve them to death. These both persons lived a life of horror, during the Holocaust speaker and the book my feelings went toward the Imigration Reform because if theres no change it can be a step up front of happening . I think the speaker felt kind of insecure because she kept on repeating that we wll never feel what she felt only if we put our selfs on her shoes that was ind of disapointing because she came in to talk about her experience not including us wether we Mexican or people have feelings or a heart, well i feel more comfortable with the book because it relates to the whole story of the Nazis and the speaker is just a part of it . But the speakers story was really sad and i felt good when she felt good when she said she felt relief when they help her scape i think it was a good moment , because by learnning from others we wont follow our mistakes than to move on and look foward.

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